Friday, November 19, 2010

January Kindermusik wtih Nancy Options

Kindermusik with Nancy – Dyer Parks Department
Mini Session in January

Kindermusik ABC Music & Me – 4 week session – Tuesdays
Research shows that music improves a child’s memory, cognitive development, learning skills, and ability to express emotion. Music makes a child a better learner, teaches self-control, improves coordination, enhances creativity, and inspires a lifetime appreciation of music and movement.

On the Go
Ages: 2 – 4 years old (parent/caregiver participation required)

Put a new spin on trains and cars. In class we’ll talk about things on the go. And with a real-sounding train whistle, sound effects, and music CD in your Home Kit, you can take the learning on the go as you talk about moving fast and slow, while developing your toddler’s rhythm and coordination and strengthening your child’s connection to what’s happening in class.
Home Kit: Train whistle instrument, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story The Big Race)
Registration Deadline: December 31

Tuition $45/$50
Materials $20 paid to instructor
Tuesdays January 4, 11, 18 and 25
Time 9:30 – 10:15 am (45 minutes)

Rhythms of the Land
Ages 4 – 6 years old - NO parent/guardian

In class we’ll explore the rhythms and sounds of Native American music. As we investigate, compare, and contrast a wide variety of drums and the materials they’re made from, your preschooler develops the investigative vocabulary needed in the sciences. When you repeat rhythm patterns at home and share the activities in your Home Kit, your child gets an early start in math, too. Home Kit: Jingle Stick instrument, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Pedal Pump, Pedal Pump)
Registration Deadline: December 31

Tuition $50/$55
Materials $20 paid to instructor
Tuesdays January 4, 11, 18 and 25
Time 1:00 – 2:00 pm (1 hour)


Kindermusik Playdates at Dyer Parks
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Get out of the house and come experience a Kindermusik class in January when you might have cabin fever! If you’ve never done Kindermusik, this is a great introduction to the program. If you have participated, this is an opportunity to continue your musical fun until the winter/spring session begins in February. Minimum of 4/maximum of 10. Registration deadline is January 10 .

Village Age (newborn –2 years old)
For lap babies, crawlers, and walkers with their parents, this class provides a delightful environment unlike any other. Through a unique blend of multi-level activities that include creative movement, vocal play, object and instrument exploration, and a colorful literature component, baby’s growth and development are stimulated and all senses engaged.

Thursday – January 13 9:30 – 10:15 am
Fee: $15 resident/ $20 non-resident (includes a book and CD)

Our Time (2 – 3 1/2 years old)
For children ages 18 months to 3 years, each accompanied by an adult caregiver. This group lesson was designed to feature the basic components of a Kindermusik classroom experience—singing, moving, playing instruments, listening, group interactions, and most importantly, lots of parent education about the development of their child.

Thursday - January 13 10:30 – 11:15 am
Fee $15 resident/$20 non-resident (includes a book and CD)

Imagine That (3 ½ - 5 years old)
For those pre-school children with great imaginations! The children typically attend classes by themselves, but for this play-date version, parents will attend so you can see for yourself what Kindermusik is all about.

Thursday - January 13 12:45 – 1:30 pm
Fee $15 resident/$20 non-resident (includes a book and CD)


Kindermusik Playdates at Highland Parks Department
January 12, 2011

Village Age (newborn – 2 years old)
For lap babies, crawlers, and walkers with their parents, this class provides a delightful environment unlike any other. Through a unique blend of multi-level activities that include creative movement, vocal play, object and instrument exploration, and a colorful literature component, baby’s growth and development are stimulated and all senses engaged. Registration deadline – January 10.

Wednesday – January 12 9:30 – 10:15 am
Fee: $15 resident/ $18 non-resident (includes a book and CD)

Our Time (2 – 3 1/2 years old)
For children ages 2 to 3 1/2 years, each accompanied by an adult caregiver. This group lesson was designed to feature the basic components of a Kindermusik classroom experience—singing, moving, playing instruments, listening, group interactions, and most importantly, lots of parent education about the development of their child.

Wednesday – January 12 10:35 – 11:20 am
Fee $15 resident/$18 non-resident (includes a book and CD)

Imagine That (3 ½ - 5 years old)
For those pre-school children with great imaginations! The children typically attend classes by themselves, but for this play-date version, parents will attend so you can see for yourself what Kindermusik is all about.

Wednesday - January 12 1:30 – 2:15 pm
Fee $15 resident/$18 non-resident (includes a book and CD)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Kindermusik's Objective

Kindermusik's objective is not necessarily to make your child a musician. Instead, Kindermusik begins the musical learning that will enrich every life. Kindermusik uses music to encourage early learning and creativity in children ages newborn to 7 years of age.

You may already know that much of your child's learning takes place in critical periods that occur quite early in life. Kindermusik helps your child make the most of these critical windows.

Developmentally appropriate lessons promote vocal development and language skills, coordination, social interation, and active imagining. Kindermusik never pushes a child. Instead, each leseson is carefully structured to reflect and match your child's age and stage.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Smooth Out the Daily Bumps

Have you ever noticed that your daily routines flow in a rhythmic and musical pattern? The song begins with the waking of each morning and continues as you prepare your family and yourself for the day with the steady beat of breakfast and dressing routines, then march through the day with accented rituals and syncopated surprises, slowing the tempo with lulling routines and rituals at bedtime, ending harmoniously with a good night song ... thus flows the rhythm of a day.

We all know that daily routines are repetitive. But, did you know that routines are essential to your child? Routines provide a cocoon of security, familiarity, and comfort when your child has so little control over the events of his or her own life. While the daily maintenance of life may bore you (after all, what is fascinating about changing another diaper, emptying the dishwasher again, feeding the cat, and raking the leaves every week?), your emotional health and even your soul needs a certain amount of routine. Routines are healthy for you and your child. Tune In gives you ways not only to enjoy everyday routines but suggestions on how to make them more meaningful and fun.

Visit, click on Classes and then Newsletter to register for Tune In e-mails.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Be the Best You Can Be - Famous Quotes

Don Miguel Ruiz
Always do your best. (From The Four Agreements)

Oprah Winfrey
Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.

Helen Keller
When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.

Earl Nightingale
We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we've established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile.

Wherever you go, go with all your heart.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Soles 4 Souls - Shoes for those in Need

My church (Westminster Presbyterian Church/Munster) is collecting gently used shoes to send to the organization Soles 4 Souls. Our shipment of shoes will be going to all those in need in Haiti. We are collecting the next two weeks – through April 25th. If you, your child(ren) or spouse have shoes in the closets that are no longer worn, but someone else could use them, please bring them to Westminster Presbyterian Church at 8955 Columbia Avenue (across from Community Hospital). Two of our youth are doing this project. If you don't have shoes, but would like to contribute ... we are in need of monetary donations to cover the cost of shipping. Make checks payable to Westminster and put Soles 4 Souls on memo line.