Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Smooth Out the Daily Bumps

Have you ever noticed that your daily routines flow in a rhythmic and musical pattern? The song begins with the waking of each morning and continues as you prepare your family and yourself for the day with the steady beat of breakfast and dressing routines, then march through the day with accented rituals and syncopated surprises, slowing the tempo with lulling routines and rituals at bedtime, ending harmoniously with a good night song ... thus flows the rhythm of a day.

We all know that daily routines are repetitive. But, did you know that routines are essential to your child? Routines provide a cocoon of security, familiarity, and comfort when your child has so little control over the events of his or her own life. While the daily maintenance of life may bore you (after all, what is fascinating about changing another diaper, emptying the dishwasher again, feeding the cat, and raking the leaves every week?), your emotional health and even your soul needs a certain amount of routine. Routines are healthy for you and your child. Tune In gives you ways not only to enjoy everyday routines but suggestions on how to make them more meaningful and fun.

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